Thursday, 24 December 2015

Adding a Festive Sparkle | Festive Decoration for Your Bedroom

Adding a Festive Sparkle | Festive Decoration for Your Bedroom

My mini Fibre-Optic Christmas Tree

Hello! So I know it may already be Christmas Day for some but it's still within the hour of 11pm and despite it being very late to post Christmas things, I decided to post about my decoration idea for my bedroom, to make it more lively from its plain ivory walls.

On my birthday, the 24th November, I received a small, 30cm 'Flashing Fibre-Optic Christmas Tree' from my little brother, and I put it to use.

My finally decorated Christmas Tree
I got my tree out of the box, sorted it's branches and placed it onto its stand. Being a simple pop-on-top tree that rests on the light inside the stand, the tree had a habit to fall over, and I can say what some fun I had trying to balance it xD After this I got some small decorations, ball-balls, and a lovely red bow with a Diamond in the middle, and turned my tree on. Admiring it's glory with it's colours changing from Pink to Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Purple before repeating many times. I placed it on my desk and voila!  Multiple-coloured-ever-so-adorable-light-changing Fibre-Optic Christmas Tree. 

Adding a bit of a Christmas feel to my petite bedroom and it's ivory walls, the Christmas tree stands shining bright and it's coloured fibre optic strands changing like every year changes
around Christmas every year. 

I wish you all a Happy Christmas and A great New Year.

Yours Truly,

A Bit About Me | Caris' Blog

A Bit About Me | Caris' Blog 

Hello! If you have read my blog posts before on both my blogs, you may have a hint of the type of person I am. But, there's not everything about myself up on my blog. Now I'm not talking about secret,top-secret things, no, but instead, some interesting things about me, or just bizarre, because hey that's what I'm like :)

I am a Performing Arts enthusiast: 
I love acting, singing and dancing (for instance my dance blog- ) I do A-Level Drama and love it. Currently myself and my class are rehearsing our final performances for our practical exam, which involves us showing an examiner our performance, and this will be in March. I have been doing dance, which consists of Ballet and Tap, for ten and a bit years, since I was seven going on eight and it was my 18th on the 24th November. I've taken part in multiple performances, including one involving advanced ballet work and point shoes which really hurt to wear I have to say.

I've taken parts in school plays, such as Arabian Nights in year 11, my last year of secondary school, and played one of the 'evil sisters', having the role to be this character but also narrate a very long performance! I've taken part in summer schools three years in a row a few years back (but im too old now to take part, oh :( ), the performances of which were Disney's versions of 'The Jungle Book' and 'Alice in Wonderland' and a performance written and created in dedication to Micheal Jackson (that's why when you play one of his songs I end up knowing all the words, five hours of singing lessons can do that to you)

Embarrassing and awkward to wear costumes are part of performing arts and I have to say, I've had some odd costume moments. For instance, the time I was expected to fit into a age 9 leotard at age 16 1/2 ...And I did have to wear it, embarrassing.. :/ In Disney's 'The Jungle Book' playing one of the vultures and having to wear face paint, thick grey men's trousers and a thick black jumper on stage 24/7, in August. As I also played the chorus, who never left the stage, I was exposed to boiling stage lights...

I've a sweet tooth:
I am a sweet tooth. I love cake and sweets. Let me explain. I am a cake lover. I love cake. Give me chocolate, I'm not that bothered and I end up leaving it in my desk's drawer in my room (looking in my drawer now, I can see some there since last month in its packet xD ) but give me cake; and I'll munch away xD  Battenburg cake is a good example. I love it soo much I have the feeling, or in fact feeling of guilt, of thinking I ate it all in two short days.. some for college, some for dinner, more for college, more for dinner, more for- oh wait It's all gone..gone!? When concerning sweets, lets just say I'll fill a tub up with sweets and keep it as a mini sweet bank in my room, hidden from hungry-sweet-craving family members.

Im a work-a-holic!:
By 'workaholic' I mean when I have work to do I just go and don't stop until I realise, 'oh it's 12pm and I'm still revising from 8.30pm..'. Yes I tend to overdo it but working hard can get good results when you put your mind to it (i.e. I somehow managed to pass Philosophy and Ethics which didn't click with my head and received a B grade for the exam alone..?)

Archer Fish. Image taken
at Sealife World, Weymouth
I love animals:
I love animals. I grew up with so many pets, such as a Giant African Land Snail called Jake. I did a 90 Credit diploma in Animal Management and Welfare and worked with so many different animals, like the amazing Archer Fish, but I decided I no longer wanted to work in the animal industry. However I still adore my pets at home; such as the mad Spaniel, Quest the Border Collie and 6 month old Border Collie puppy Gem who is growing fast.

I love to be creative and draw:
My drawing of a Ballerina off
a dance catalog
If i'm feeling creative I will draw. Unfortunately I am not the best, but drawing can be calming and helps distract from stressful life. If you ever find time where you feel like you need something to focus on and to help you stay calm, I find drawing can help. However that is my personal preference and you can do whatever you personally feel would help you best.

There you go, just a few extra things about me, hope you enjoyed this blog post and if so why not read more of my blog posts. I will be posting more on the blog soon so keep an eye out,

Yours Truly,

Saturday, 5 December 2015

One of Those Weeks | Moments When You Just Need Your Family and Friends

One of Those Weeks | Moments When You Need 
Your Family and Friends

Hello! How are you? I have had a stressful past two weeks. This week on Monday, my 150ml bottle of Ribena (the very sweet juice drink) leaked into my bag, onto my college diary, English Language books, my revision notes inside my English folder, pencil case and somehow, onto my memory stick which was in a pocket high up in the bag. There was a pool of juice in the bag and no matter what, I could not dry it and had to carry my heavy books in my arms, in the rainy weather. When home, I got the hairdryer and sat for twenty minutes drying all my books, notes and pencils whilst my pencil case and bag were in the washing machine. So, from what you have read already, not a good start to the
week that has just gone. But last week was even more stressful.
Just a few of my Birthday things

I am telling you this because I have been rushing and rushing, stressing and panicking about my mid-term assessments for my A-Levels at college for days and days, and things just got a whole lot more stressful. So this is the reason why I just want to share that sometimes in life we all have those days, or in this case week that seem unbearable. However, my family and friends helped my through and I think there are times when we just need to stop for a moment in our hectic lives and spend time with family and friends. So here's my experience...

This week so far has just been too hectic and confusing for me and last week was even more. Last week, the trains I take to college were delayed, the buses were late and may I say ,there was an accident involving trains and the wire lines setting fire! As you can guess by my tone it has been a stressful week and hey, I've another few weeks left of term. My assessment for English Language  was terrible. I struggled to find something to compare for my assessment and write about, and ran out of time despite having 50 minutes to do it... not a good start to the week. 

Wednesday the 25th I had a Sociology theory assessment to complete, which I felt terrible about. I revised and revised and revised for hours on end, at home, on the train to and from college and even at work on the weekends, but when it came to the assessment and having to state what a certain theorist said, I just couldn't remember a thing :( I would end up writing something, then stopped because I was sat lost on what I was trying to sum up. When I finally got home due to trains being delayed for an hour, I had a Sociology essay to write up which I had to analyse the effectiveness of some research a sociologist had performed, and talk about all aspects of sociological research. After an hour and a half, I was welcomed to my break from all the work by my printer saying it had run out of ink, which then became apparent that we had no black ink at all... just great. 

Thursday the 26th (yes I've more to say about this mind boggling week) I had to finish printing out my Sociology work. Now may I add, this work was set and based on the previous lessons work, which I missed because I had to attend a production of 'Rebecca' at the Oxford Playhouse, in Oxford Thursday the 19th. Hoping for the best, I chucked it into a folder and set off for the train station (which to add, had more line fires and delays). Later that day, I attempted my drama assessment on drama theory work based on the performance 'Rebecca'. Lacking confidence to find 'good' things to write about, I struggled through. My teacher even noticed this and asked me what was wrong. In the end when my brain finally started working again, I had just 15 minutes from the 45 minutes that we had been given. 

My Birthday Balloons (which now are slowly
deflating :/ )
However, as bad and as horrible as last week  my be perceived to of been, Tuesday helped me get through this jam-packed week without tearing my hair out with stress. It was my birthday Tuesday, 24th November. I turned 18, and alongside 18 comes the sense of adulthood, well which most people perceive. But not my relatives. I woke up to the sound of cello-tape and the voices of my sister and her fiance outside my door. From what I cold make out, they were stressed over the fact that whatever they were cello-taping to the door, just would not stay there. Opening the door, it was a birthday banner, fuscia pink in colour with a metallic effect to it, on which were words that said "Happy 18th Birthday" ;) Then after getting ready for college, I just had time to open a few presents. Firstly, I recieved some socks from parents, because my mother always ends up wearing MY socks, so thought she'd keep mine and replace them with new ones haha. My little brother gave me a birthday card, which has the image of a pug with its big eyes and a ecstatic expression spread across it's face, which I read the words "Happy Birthday" Oh how pugs can cheer one up. Along with this, he gave me a 30cm tall Christmas tree! :) Funny thing was, I was saying the other day to my family how I just always wanted a small Christmas tree in my room, to give it a festive feel. 

After setting off for the train station, I hopped onto the London Paddington and started my work. During this time, I did not once look at my phone due to there being no signal on the train. But, when I got off the train, I was shocked with surprised to see all the birthday wishes I received from friends and family, the texts, posts and calls wishing me a happy birthday. Walking into my lessons, I recieved "Happy Birthday" from individuals. This made me think, sometimes in life we need to stop, slow down and realise how lucky we are and the little things in life that make things worth while.  

Bouquet of Flowers, including Lilies that
have now blossomed. 
After a half day at college, finishing at 1.30pm (yes what luck for my birthday ahha) I set off for the train, shortly arriving home 40 mins later. Later on that day, I received yet more wishes from people, followed by visits from family and friends, and presents concisting large Birthday cards, a large bouquet of flowers with their vibrant colours and delicate patterns, a Pandora bag containing a small elegant ring, with a bow merged into the ring on top and diamonds set into the top of the bow. I also received a massive Thorntons chocolate champagne bottle. Brownie points there for impressing me and for making me feel very special and happy to know so many good people which my birthday has revealed to me. Other gifts included a large '18th Birthday' card and a Thorntons chocolate plaque with "Happy 18th Caris", that had ten or eleven stars drawn on to it with icing, given to me from my sister and her fiance. A massive Happy 18th Birthday balloon that matched my birthday banner from my sister in law and a Thorntons plaque with "18 today Caris" written on it in white icing alongside an absolutely gigantic birthday card from both my brother and sister in law, that included a little prank of theirs... A bit of background information for you, these two are your classical pranksters. They love to have a laugh. Last year they decided to cello-tape and I mean really, full on cello-tape seventeen one pound coins to my birthday card; with the hope that I would comically struggle to remove them. It worked and they were in fits of laughter. So this year, they decided to prank me in the sense of making something irritating, which in this case, involved putting the contents of a whole packet of 'Happy 18th Birthday' confetti into the card. The aim was that when I open it up, they would all scatter onto the floor and make a mess everywhere. When it came to opening the card, I realised their intentions to create a prank, when I noticed a small metallic number '18' in the form of birthday confetti, fall silently to the floor followed by a dozen more as I struggled to carefully open the card and prevent more confetti from littering the floor. What prankster they were and I have to say, it has made my week 😃 . To finish the day off, I received a small, pink champagne glass with the number '18' written completely in pink glitter, with a small drink in it, and a delicious white chocolate birthday cake with  sparklers on top of it in the form on the number '18'. On Friday the 27th I had a surprise Birthday meal at a lovely Indian restaurant; a great way to forget the stressful week I had had previously. 

Chocolate Champagne
So as you can see, I had had a stressful and tiring week, but have realised that in life we need to stop and take a step back from our lives, take in all the little things and those individuals that make everything function. I am so very grateful for all the wishes and gifts and time and effort put into making my 18th a special day. I am not one who asks for attention and focus on me, so when I received all this kindness and attention paid to making my birthday a good one, I was not used to being the centre of attention.

I am 18 now, and this last year it feels like I have progressed into the person I am because of those around me, the support I have received and the kindness, and at times, difficulties I have faced, which have made me the more confident, and happy person I am today. And that includes those following me on my blog. It has been a bit over a year since starting my blog posts and all the enjoyment I gain from blogging my heart out has been worth while. And I want to add, I ask us all, that if we are struggling or just having a bad week, day, month whatever length of time it may last, we focus on the small little things that make our days worthwhile. I used to always and only focus on the negative, but as I've got older, I feel like this is no longer an aspect of my personality as much as it was.

Thankyou for spending the time to read my long post, I apologise for the length of it, but once I start typing I just can't stop. 

Yours Truly,

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

What's it Like to be a Blogger? | My Blogging Experience

What's it Like to be a Blogger? | My Blogging Experience

Yes, I am asking myself in my head:
What's it like to be a blogger?
(also for anyone who knows my
blogs, actually wearing hair up!for once!)
Hello, how are you? All well? Posting this today instead of Friday due to mad revision for exams. 
So, I have been a busy busy person. College always catches me out, making life hectic and jam-packed with work and deadlines. Because of this, I haven't been able to blog for a while and I apologise. Sometimes blogging has to come second to my life outside the blogging sphere as much as we all wish we could blog to our hearts desire. So this got me thinking: why not give readers a inside view to my hectic life with blogging crammed onto my back and my experience with blogging. Hope I am of interest :)

1) Writers, or um bloggers block: There are times where I just can't find anything, nothing at all, to write about. To me, I'm just me , Caris, not a documentary worthy individual on television that people view, munch sweets whilst gawping at amazement, enjoying themselves at home; to me I'm just my usual self. Blogging block can last for too long: days, weeks and months, but thank goodness not years, few *lets out a sigh of relief*. Recently I have been, and still am, working so so hard to ace my A-levels, with so many negative and mixed opinions I have experienced people express about them, it just makes me want to keep trying, even when it's gone 11pm and I have to get up at 6am the next day. And this is why I struggle to find time to blog. My life is too hectic! Some times I will have these moments of not blogging and it doesn't mean I will never blog again, not at all that drastic, but just that at that moment in time, I'm afraid the brain juice is just NOT flowing :( But once I find time, I'm sat in my room, with my onesie, typing away and enjoying myself (so as I type this post, I am actually currently doing what I have described)

2) My inability to banish the evil, constant typos: Yes TYPOS! I hate them! They ruin my blog posts and are so very frustrating. But, no matter how many times I proof read my posts, which may I say takes a very long time, they STILL exist... I am utterly useless at proof reading :/ When posting a blog, you must always be sure to check your writing is up to scratch. So you ask me: why don't you use spell check? Oh; if only spell check actually lived up to it's name. For example, I type in 'colour', I'm British, that's how I spell it, but no... alas, spell check keeps changing it to 'color' but that's not how I've learnt to spell it haha, help me honestly, spell check is just a pain (odd to say that but it really is) I even have this issue with my mobile, I type 'you', phone puts 'yuo', type 'exciting', phone puts 'exististizing' -I honestly do NOT think those are even words in the English dictionary?!! My never ending frustration with technology... Technology hates me xD

3) My constant rambles: That moment when I have a great idea for a blog post and ramble, ramble, ramble, oh and ramble some more, until my blog becomes a long, listed piece of written text that breaks all laws of English, going off topic and breaking all aspects of relevance. I mean, I type pretty fast, and fast typing results in fast thinking, which sometimes becomes a long ramble of my brains contents. You know, start with a blog on beauty and it finished on my love for Battenburg cake (umm yummy) Start on a blog about food and it finishes on me complaining how mad my dogs are. The rambles of a mighty moaner indeed xD  

4) Fried, frazzled, square eyes: Yes you may get the hint on the word "square" referring to a screen, my computers screen to be exact. Every time I write a blog, my eyes just feel exhausted, they've worked too hard and just need a break. After proof reading my work, including correcting spelling and grammar (because I type too fast it goes all jumbled), arranged the format of the text and images and posted the blog, my eyes are frazzled. Not good I know, but what can one do when they love creating blog posts?  

5) The horrible occurrence of a crunched up spine: Once again, the result of sitting at a computer and writing for over an hour. My posture when typing is not good, bad for a lover of Dance I know. The amount of time I spend blogging away, typing and tying, just makes my back all crunched up. The pain I get for my love of blogging I guess xD However, I love creative writing, and a crunched up spine, as horrible and as painful as it may be, is just how it is. 

6) Exhaustion from blogging: Blogging tires me out. It's like sitting in an exam and pouring all you've got into your writing. I start at 8.30pm, I finish at 10pm or even 11.30pm. Once I hit the hay, I'm gone. No watching television, no late night feasting, and no social media; just sleep. Sleep and sleep and sleep. This is why writing things up for a Friday can be more convenient; the week is ending and after five days I get a lie in. Heck, sometimes I am just so tired, I do the bad thing of not properly proof reading posts before I upload them to my blog. This is just because I must finish and leave that piece of writing, it can be too much to bare to look at when you're sleep deprived. I just come back to it in the morning and adapt anything in need or correcting (I know I shouldn't should I, but what has a sleep zombie got the choice of?)  

There you go. Just a few little things I have and still do experience during my time as a blogger. Now I must go and sleep, a 6am wake up this morning was not enjoyable and I'll have a re-occurance of that again Friday. So for now, hope you've enjoyed this and just as a side note, I am currently revising for exams so may not be posting blogs regularly just for the time being, thank you :)  

Yours truly,
xChatty Blondex 

Saturday, 7 November 2015

My Little Pick-Me-Ups | For When I'm Feeling Blue

My Little Pick-Me-Ups | For When I'm Feeling Blue  

My Motivational Board x Photgraph taken by me
Caris on my Xperia E
Hello. Today I am posting this to share a little bit about me when I'm feeling off or when it's one of those days. Do you ever do things to distract from the stresses of everyday life? Maybe a hobby, maybe something simple? Here's what I do and it's being shared for any of you who feel like saying "why do I have to have a day like this". Hope it helps x
  1. 1. Junk food night: Now yes I know I have mentioned that I suffer from stomach intolerances when eating too much junk food; but I am speaking about eating them in moderate amounts. There's something rewarding when you bit into your favourite food and hear the satisfying crunch of that delicious Jaffa cake... *come back Caris leave the land of the Jaffa Cakes* Just delishafying! -a bit of a made up word there for you ;) 
  2. Watching your favourite programme or movie: At times, it's stressful juggling everything in my daily routine and I just need a break. Everyone needs a break now and then by doing something you love, especially as I watch a series of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation as I'm a crime series addict or Downton Abbey because I love period drama and history. These breaks help you get back on track and are good for your mental health in terms of your stress levels. So go ahead, find a moment when you can spare a little time and give your brain a rest from work, school, college or life in general.
  3. Listening to your favourite music: When I'm feeling down and blue, I put my earphones in and turn on my music. Songs that have great beats to them and a variety of different instruments seem to sound so nice, cheering me up and that helps my mood. Some of my favourites are Ink, Yellow and Magic by Coldplay and Cool by Alesso ft Roy English. They just have that effect that makes you want to strut to the beat and sing out loud when walking to work...ok, that's just me.. but anyway you get what I mean :)
  4. Motivational stones. 
  5. Find something motivational: We all need something to give us a boost in life. So find something motivational in your life to help when times get tough. I have motivational stones of mine which help motivate me and my motivational board in my room which is a canvas of all the inspirational, motivating quotes you can think of (see the main image above). 
  6.  Go on a walk or cycle to somewhere interesting or special to you: Now I know summer is long gone, alas, but that doesn't mean you can't venture around a town, city or a field on a walk to cheer yourself up. I personally go to my favourite  place, Princess Towers with my dogs which you can read here - My Trip to The Princess Towers | Day Out . Time alone can help you think over things that trouble you and keep you calm especially when with the company of a dog, especially if your blessed with a med Spaniel like me (Skye) but even a cycle can help too. Give it a try and admire the carpet of golden leaves covering the ground this season before they're all gone. 
There you go, just a few little things I do to help when I'm feeling down, hope this was helpful,
Yours truly,
 xChatty Blondex

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Holiday Souvenirs | All The Things I Aquired On Holiday

Holiday Souvenirs | All The Things I Acquired On Holiday

Stewart my Seagull Souvenir :)
Hello! As you may know from following my blog, you will see that I am posting bits of my week holiday in Ringstead Bay, Dorset. If you haven't yet can these holiday posts, that follow the name " My 2015 Holiday" then click here and scroll down my page to view these posts in order- " " Carrying on, I have taken images of all my 'buys' as one could say and here I will show you what I decided to buy and where I got them from. 

Ringstead Bay Seagull souvenir  (a.k.a "Stewart" as I like to call him):
I purchased this souvenir from Ringstead Bay Kiosk, Ringstead (yes I know again it's obvious ha) This was the last of this style of ornament on the shelves, so I grabbed him up as soon as possible. When it comes to nice ornaments the best go first! Especially those that look the most detailed. 
This souvenir was just £3.49 and a definite bargain; considering holidays can be expensive when concerning gifts. This souvenir is one of my favourites.

Silver 3D Glass Butterfly Candle Holder:
Silver 3D Glass Butterfly candle Holder
This souvenir is gorgeous! I love the way the three dimensional butterfly feature on the front catches the sunlight, diverting the sun's rays in various directions. It adds a bright, elegant touch to my room perched on my desk, wings open as if ready to take off. 
Purchased from the National Tank Museum in Weymouth, it didn't cost much despite being on sale in a Museum gift shop. Costing £4.95, I can say I'm proud of my money management; this is another one of my favourite purchases. 

Inspirational Pebbles:
Inspirational pebbles (apologies for
the blurred image x)
I call these the "Inspirational pebbles" because they inspire me. These pebbles were hand painted, with quotations handwritten onto them. Purchased at the National Tank Museum, Weymouth, these pebbles were £3.00 each. Despite being costly, I felt like these quotations on the
pebbles related to me, so decided I would keep them in my room when times get tough either due to College stress or life in general. A souvenir that speaks out to me.

These are the items I purchased on holiday, one of a kind, or common to find, however I will leave this post at that for now, because there's more to be written in the future about my 2015 Summer Holiday :) Keep up with the "My 2015 Holiday" posts because more will be put up soon for you to read right through the weeks.

Yours truly,
xChatty Blondex

Friday, 18 September 2015

My 2015 Holiday | Day 3 Alone With The Dogs

My 2015 Holiday | Day 3 Alone With The Dogs 

Ringstead Bay and it's Beach when
we arrived at the beach.
(Photograph taken by me Caris)
After spending our first day at Ringstead Bay Beach and our second day at Charmouth, on the third day I was left to look after Skye and Gem. My family had gone out for the day and I had decided to stay and go to the Beach with Skye. Being only 10 weeks old, the large pebbles on the beach could be a task for Gem to walk on, so she stayed in her bed nice and comfortable with all her favourite toys. When I was ready to go, I put a lead on Skye and checked on Gem. She had already fallen asleep. Taking hold of Skye's lead firmly, I went out the door, locked it and set off.

Steps leading to the second of the two beaches.
(Photograph taken by me Caris)
The sky was clear blue and the clouds were white, looking as though they had been perfectly moulded to their fluffy shape before being placed into the sky. A gentle breeze accompanied the warm air, making it the perfect weather for the beach. Walking down the drive with Skye panting with excitement beside me; I came to the gate at the bottom of the cottages drive. Reaching over the wooden structure, I attempted to lift the latch which wouldn't budge. I pushed against the gate as I lifted the latch, still no movement. In the end I had to send Skye underneath the gate and climb over, typical. Once over, I set off along the shining, smooth gravel track towards the field. Letting Skye off lead resulting in her racing into the distance, returning seconds later making multiple laps around me. The grass was long and soft and the smell of pollen was in the air. Listening carefully, I could hear the sea and people on the beach.

The second of the two beaches at Ringstead.
(Photograph taken by me Caris)
Once at the bottom of the field, I cut through a open gate into the second field. Skye lead the way until we reached a gate built into the fencing, sending Skye through we reached a small single track road. The road leading to the beach. Whilst walking I could feel the sun's rays behind me as they hit my legs and arms. I just love the warmth of summer. After walking for some time, avoiding walking into people and their dogs and cars, we reached the walkway leading down towards the beach. Skye started to whine with excitement. Once on the beach we set off towards the second beach on the left of the area. When we reached the steps leading to the beach, I let Skye free. Watching this white and brown figure vanish into the distance directly towards the sea made me smile. She has to be one of the craziest and most joyful dogs I have ever had I thought to myself. Returning with a large grin spread across her face, I placed a lead back onto Skye's collar. Her fur was soft but her legs were dripping with salty sea water and dotted with sand from the beach. Once we reached the middle of the second beach, I sat onto the ground. A mixture of sand and small pebbles covered the
Skye settled on the beach.
(Photograph taken by me Caris)
surface. Removing the lead from her collar, I threw a toy into the soft, gentle gleaming water which Skye retrieved in seconds. Watching her run up to the water and dive far into the sea, she moved like an Olympic swimmer. Drawing closer to the toy floating on the surface, she picked it up and ran back to me in a matter of seconds with a wide grin on her face.

Skye on Ringstead Bay Beach.
(Photograph taken by me Caris)
After being at the beach for about an hour and a half to two hours, I decided it was time for me and Skye to go back to the holiday cottage. The grin that had first appeared on Skye's face hadn't budged since. The two of us were happy. Skye still grinning, covered in salty sea water from the calm and gentle waves, head to toe and me covered in sand; we both finally arrived back at the cottage's gate to the drive. Climbing over the gate-which still would not move, Skye followed me underneath, trotting towards the cottage door. The sunlight was less intense and there was a breeze still blowing through the air, past me across to the trees in the wood to my right. Trees rustled as the breeze hit them, as though they were speaking to each other with their vibrant, green leaves. Once inside the cottage, I let Gem out, who cheerfully let out a greeting howl; sounding as if she was saying hello in English. Running up to Skye, she launched herself into the mad Spaniel, before flying back from the force she herself, a little 10 week old puppy could create.

Eventually the dogs came back inside, resting together in Skye's cage sleeping peacefully for the next few hours; until my family came back from the dog competition Quest had competed in. Happy I couldn't wait for my next day on holiday, wondering, where will I go next? With that thought, I smiled and turned on the TV; because hey everyone needs a television on holiday. Right?

Yours truly,
xChatty Blondex

Friday, 11 September 2015

My 2015 Holiday | Day 2 At Charmouth, Weymouth

My 2015 Holiday | Day 2 At Charmouth, Weymouth 

Hello. This is the entry of my second day on holiday in Charmouth. If you haven't read the first and second post about my entry which are listed in order, click now- entry 1-"My 2015 Holiday | Arriving At Ringstead Bay, Dorset" and entry 2- "My 2015 Holiday | Discovering The Cottage & Day 1 At Ringstead Bay Beach". There are plenty of images to show how great it was :) Enjoy. 
Rock pools running along Charmouth Beach
 near the sea. (Photograph taken by me Caris)

The Bridge Leading to the Beach.
(Photograph taken by me Caris)
After spending Sunday, the first day at the Beach in Ringstead Bay, my family and I wanted to discover the surrounding area. We found a nearby beach and once we got there, there was a lot of natural beauty to be seen. The drive to Charmouth led us through country roads leading towards Weymouth. Turning off before we reached the center of Weymouth, the view of Charmouth Beach came into view. To the front of me I could see a concrete walkway with people walking past. Some had young children, others had dogs. Quest instantly appeared from around the corner of the seat that was in front of him. Peering out the window he saw the people and dogs and lay back down again.
Typical Quest, wait for the humans to get out then you can become excited. Skye on the other hand became intrigued, moved towards the window, she positioned her nose by the opening of the window and she breathed in the scent of the sea ending with a large sneeze. The sea scent must have been very strong. I could see two small gravel car parks and in front of them was another beach, this time with sand dunes and what appeared to be a reservoir running into the sea. Swans were swimming gracefully along the streaming water a bit of an odd sight at the beach.

Seagull above the beach.
(Photograph taken by me Caris)
View of the beach with the rock pools
in the center.(Photograph
taken by me Caris)
After getting out of the car we had lunch at a beach cafe. Once we had decided we were too full to anymore of our food, mine being chips, egg and salad, we set off with the dogs to explore the beach. Walking around the corner I felt the sun beat down on me, warming my skin and but blinding me from its intensity. A soft breeze accompanied the intense sunlight. This gave a feeling of delight as it blew past my face and into my hair causing a smile to appear across my face. It was a lovely August day.

Once further along the walkway, we came to a bridge placed from the walkway over the sea defense boulders, which finished on the other
The rock pools.
(Photograph taken by me Caris)
side, to the beach. Again this beach was shingle however the stones were smooth and warm, worn down by the sea and baked by the sun's rays. A Seagull flew over my head so low I felt like I could reach and touch it's smooth, aerodynamically designed feathers. It circled and flew over again, before angling their wings down to the left, resulting in a elegant swerve over my head towards the beach behind me where it vanished into the horizon.

After observing the Seagull that had now disappeared, I turned to look out towards the sea. People were walking along the beach and in the distance. I could see some of them gathered by some rocks placed in the center of the beach, which had submerged when the tide had vanished. Rock pools had developed here within the gaps between the rocks, it's inhabitants waiting for the sea to visit when the tide next comes in. Settling on more rocks based on the beach, I set off with my phone, with it's camera open, to explore the rock pools. The rock pools looked so peaceful and gentle. Looking forward I could see the sea out in the distance, a result of the tide retreating from the beach.
The rock pool where the Crab had been. My
favourite and the most inhabited pool
of them all.(Photograph taken
by me Caris)
Looking into the darkness of the rock pools, I could see seaweed which had inhabited this beautiful sight. Looking closer I could see a small crab, before my shadow warned it that I was time to go. Scuttling towards the darkness created by a rock jutting out in the rock pool, the crab disappeared into the rock's shadow leaving a grin across my face. Best to leave it be I thought and I continued my sight seeing before returning to the beach, hopping on and off of stones to avoid the salty sea water.

When I reached the beach, I joined my family and soaked up the sunshine. Two hours later, we decided to go back to the car but visited the souvenir shop before, that housed multiple beautiful fossils including and pieces of jewellery. Once purchasing a few things for family and a bracelet for myself, I worked me way around the shop in search of sunglasses. Having previously sat on them the first day of my holiday, Monday, I was in need of new ones but this seemed a challenge for me. Finally when my search had been completed, I went back to the car ready to leave the beach. Taking one last picture on my phone before exiting the car park, I wondered to myself, where will we go next. That and I hope it's sunny tomorrow as well. Skye appeared around the corner wanting a stroke, before touching her nose against my palm as if to say thank you for a great day at the beach. Quest peered over the seat, looking through the car window to my left; as if he was glad to go home and sleep after the long day.

Friday, 4 September 2015

My 2015 Holiday | Discovering The Cottage & Day 1 At Ringstead Bay Beach

My 2015 Holiday | Discovering The Cottage & Day 1 At Ringstead Bay Beach

Hello! It has been a bit over a week since I posted about setting off on my holiday in Ringstead Bay, Dorset. So here is another section to my holiday, the second section to the day I left for my holiday: My 2015 Holiday | Discovering The Cottage & Day 1 At Ringstead Bay Beach.

Ringstead Bay and it's Beach.
(Photograph taken by my Caris)
After we had arrived at the cottage and had spent the rest of our afternoon down at the Beach, we decided to return to the cottage to arrange who's bedroom was who's for the week. Walking up the steep cottage stairs that was protected by a soft, fluffy, cream carpet,  I dragged my massive suitcase behind me whilst nearly losing my balance and falling back. Once at the top of the stairs, the steepest part, a white thin wooden door came into view based to the left of the stairs. Another door came into view, same style and colour as the first, based next to the first bedroom and facing the landing rails. Chucking my suitcase down to the floor due to my arms aching with the weight, I went off to discover.

I opened the door with the thin black metal lifting latch. Opening the door and peering around the corner, a chest of drawers came into view accompanied by a blue, medium sized lamp situated to the left of the door. A part of the wall jutted outward hiding the drawers and lamp. In this part of the wall, there was a built in wardrobe with a white painted wooden door. turning away I could see a tall mirror clung to the wall facing the door. Standing there in my blue Coca-cola top, dark blue skinny jeans, leather jacket and white sneaker-style trainers, my outfit seemed to kind of go pretty well. Who would have known that the fact was I just chucked on whatever wasn't already in my suitcase that very morning. The casual look was obviously achieved without knowing. After I stopped admiring myself in the mirror (common we all do it ha ) I turned to the right walking past a window protected by blue flower curtains with a view of the wood on the right of the property. Two beds were based in the bedroom, one on the left and one on the right. The beds had on them two large white pillows and were decorated with bedding that matched the curtains; a material with a white base and small blue flowers printed on top. The exact same print as the curtains. Placed between the two beds, was a small yet very adorable looking bedside table with another lamp on top. This large white lamp based on top of the the smooth white wooden structure gave a elegant feel to the room. This bedroom gave off a comforting vibe as you entered through the door.  
Skye in the clear, calm sea.
(Photograph taken by me Caris).

Walking out of the first bedroom, I came to the second bedroom, a small room that appeared to have a modern look to it. Ivory paint covered the walls, cream carpet covering the floor and two small beds based on either side of the room, topped with white pillows and cream bedding, gave off a modern, hotel-like feel when entering the room. A bedside table was positioned between the two beds accompanied by a medium sized white lamp. A mirror hung on the wall facing a small window with blue cream curtains completed the rooms look. My little brother jumped to the second room leaving me with the first. I was fine by this as the first room to the left of the stairs, of which I had previously looked at had a large wardrobe and plenty of plug sockets to plug in my phone to charge. When you're a teenager your phone is everything to you. I need a socket to charge my phone! The second room was darker and lacked plug sockets so I jumped to the first room. After placing all my things in my room for the Holiday, I went downstairs and instantly went to figure out the WiFi and connect my phone. The kitchen appeared to have pretty much new everything. Clean cream cupboards spread along the top and bottom of the work top. A large window facing the drive up to the cottage was based to the right of the door and a small window on the left next to a cooker, also brand new, which was based next to a built in fridge and freezer.
Me and Skye (a.k.a The Crazy Spaniel) in the
cottage garden after spending the day at Ringstead Bay Beach
(Photograph taken by me Caris)

Later that evening after discovering that internet will always be an issue when staying in a cottage, setting up the TV, getting ready to finally sleep after waking at 7 that morning, I went to my bedroom to attempt to sleep. I say attempt as I struggle to sleep and some nights hardly sleep at all. However once I hit that pillow I fell asleep instantly despite the room being freezing.  

Me and the dogs (Gem Left, Quest center and Skye right)
in the cottage garden. Apologies for the bad image, my
phone is not the best unfortunately. 

After spending the first night in the cottage, I woke up to find my room was freezing! Again! Turning to where the windows were, I could see through a gap in the curtains that the windows were covered in condensation, most likely from me sleeping in the room. Then it hit me: it's the first day of my holiday!!! Once I had had my breakfast, got dressed and ready to leave, we head off to Ringstead Bay Beach for the day. The waves along the beach were cool and calm and the sound of the gentle waves hitting against the sand was very calming. The beach was partially shingle, however there were flat boulders set against the base of the small clay cliffs; placed there mainly as a defense against erosion of the soft clay cliffs the boulders made the perfect seats.
The sun beat down accompanied by a cool breeze and seagulls flying above. I went into the sea and Ringstead Bay has the nicest sea as odd as this may sound. The waves there weren't harsh like some beaches waves and the bay was a warm location to be in, with a soft breeze flowing by. The water was clear, giving vision to all the structures underneath the water. Lunch concision of chips, beans and chips; yes not very nutritious but hey I was on holiday. When the day had gone by, we head back to the cottage satisfied with the first day of the holiday :)

Sometimes the best things are the simple things. Simply visiting a small local and calm beach nearby was stress free. No travel, not fuel wasted and no need to worry about dog friendly beaches. Holidays can be one of the best times of the year.

Yours truly,
xChatty Blondex 

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Interview With a Fellow Blogger | Lady Fascination

Interview With a Fellow Blogger | Lady Fascination

1. Can you tell my readers about yourself and your blog?

Good morning world, my name is Georgina Bradley, aka Lady Fascination. I am 17 years old and have just finished my first year of sixth form studying Drama, Biology, and Psychology. Drama being my personal favourite. I am obsessed with reading plays and novels, especially Oscar Wilde; who is not a stranger to my blog. On the other end of the spectrum I also enjoy extreme water sports like wakeboarding and slalom skiing. I first got into these sports from my dad who has over 30 years experience in that field and from I young age I took to it like duck to water (no pun intended).
My blog is mainly lifestyle and fashion. I adore the way I am able to share so much of my life with the world around me, and I can't help but love this blogging community. Fashion is also a regular addition to my blog, and dare I say it is by far my biggest kryptonite, (you can ask Caris about my obsession with shopping).

2. How do you manage time to run your blog effectively?

I can't say it is easy, however when you have a passion for something you will always make time. After doing something I would consider 'blog-worthy' I immediately go home to my computer and get to work. I tend to schedule my blogs weeks in advance, that way I know that something will go up and I wont be rushing around to get blog-worthy content. And seeing as I will be starting sixth form again in 2 weeks, planning ahead my prove very handy with the lack of down time I will experience.

3. Who has impacted you the most in blogging and how?

December 2013
Believe it or not it was Caris. She has been blogging for over a year now and I have always been her biggest advocate. I read all her post the day they came out, and ever since she started I have always wanted a blog of my own. So one bored July morning, lady fascination was born. She has inspired me to create worthwhile content and has always been there to show her support to my blogging achievements, no matter how small it may be.

4. What do you think is the best service a blogger can provide to their readers?

Blogging is a creative outlet that can appeal to anyone, a place to distract themselves from the outside world and transport themselves into a world of creativity and wonderment. Personally, I want to provide my readers with a healthy environment to which they feel like you are talking to a friend. Somewhere to go when you aren't too happy with how your life is looking, to which I have some hilarious anecdotes from my life that are sure to make you chuckle, or even a place to get inspiration and fashion advice. I look at blogging as a dinner party, the hostess being myself, and the people I cook for being you.

5. What inspired you to start your blog?

Last February Caris and I started a YouTube channel, which after a few months fell to dust as Caris and I couldn't keep up with the extensive demand of videos we needed to film and because of school it was nearly impossible to meet up every week. After doing YouTube for a good few weeks, I got the brilliant idea that we should both set up blogs, so that is what we did. The only difference being that Caris kept hers and I fell into a creative block.

6. In the future where do you hope your blog will take you?

Unlike many people I am not looking to achieve anything from my blog, I like to write for myself as a little momentum to look back on when I am older. From as long as I can remember I have always kept a diary, expressing my inner most thoughts and feelings, to this day I still have all 8 years worth of heart felt messages and love poems. A blog just felt like the perfect place to continue my story in a more sophisticated manor.
However, if I think my blog could take me anywhere I would hope that it could help me travel the world, and for fill every crazy entry on my bucket list.


7. On average how much time do you spend writing a post?

December 2013
Depending on the type of post, I can spend between an hour to a whole day writing just one post. I am such a perfectionist when it comes to my own work that I have to go though with a fine tooth comb about 5 times before I press publish. This can be a good and bad thing. The positive being that no matter how many views I receive or how many new followers I gain, I always have an overwhelming sense of accomplishment towards particular post. My most proud posts being, Barley Fields, Good Morning World! and Freedom in a Seaside City. However, the negative side to this being that it is very time-consuming, and sometimes I feel like it is a wasted effort if no one gets to read it, so I make it my duty to force my friends (who know about my blog) to read every word.

8. Tell me about your proudest achievement?

My proudest moment. It took me a while to think about what moment I was going to talk about, but after a few hours of reminiscing I narrowed it down to my 'proudest' moment. As I have mentioned previously I do A-level Drama, and for our final performance we had to perform a play and a monologue. We did The Importance Of Being Earnest by none other than Oscar Wilde, and for my monologue I performed a scene from The Seagull. After a heart racing, blood pumping performance, I had Harry and Kris (who are our schools drama stars) come up to me and call me a dark horse, and that they weren't expecting me to be that good. It was the best feeling that I outshone someone's expectations of me. Also, I had Coral, who never speaks to me, tell me that I inspired her to take up drama, and she cried though my monologue performance. Hearing these comments made me feel so much better, as when I came off stage I thought I was going to cry because I believed I could have done so much better than that. So to receive that many complements, I truly felt my heart melting within my chest. I ended up getting a high A in my performance, I couldn't have been more proud, (I would just like to point out you can't get an A* in AS, so woop top grade).
Before I go, I just want to say a huge thank you to my best friend Caris for letting me appear on her blog today, and I really appreciate all the support you have given me over the last few weeks.
Remember to visit my blog, and to follow me on Bloglovin'.
forever yours
lady fascination

Monday, 24 August 2015

REPOST: 3 Simple Tips I Believe Help | Coping With Nerves When Performing

REPOST: 3 Simple Tips I Believe Help | Coping With Nerves When Performing 

This has been posted on my Dance blog xDance Dorkx and I thought I would share this for those who may not know of my dance blog. Hope it helps :) x Follow the link below to read.

of this image by-Lady Fascination

Sunday, 23 August 2015

My 2015 Holiday | Arriving At Ringstead Bay, Dorset

My 2015 Holiday | Arriving At Ringstead Bay, Dorset

Ringstead Bay Beach. Photography by
me Caris.
Hi, hope all is well. I came back from holiday yesterday and I loved it! Just loved it so much! And this got me thinking whilst I was on holiday. If I loved and enjoyed it so much, why don't I share my experience of my holiday in Ringstead; promote my experience of this lovely location to everyone. I couldn't easily share this with you due to lack of great internet and my laptop being at home, so I will do it now :)

Ringstead is a small village in Dorset and has Ringstead Bay with it's beach right in its location (the name gives it away yes I know ha). This area lies on the Jurassic Coast, a location in England known well from it's stunning views and fossils. Ringstead Bay is wonderful. The waves are calm and cool and the beach stretches both ways, one on the right end and another from the left end past some sea defense boulders. I was based in this lovely little cottage just a 2 or less minute drive away from Ringstead Bay Beach. Walking there is short as well. It took maybe about 5 to 7 minutes however I had this crazy Spaniel with me, yes my dog Skye, and she was a mad nutter. This is very time consuming when this mad thing of a Springer Spaniel is running round and around in circles and going the opposite direction you're going. But anyway, I will come back to that day later. 

When we got there after hours and hours of travelling in our massive car with plenty of traffic, we finally arrived interesting in what this week would hold for us. When we got to Ringstead, the road lead into the direction of the beach and a small gravel turning off to the left lead to the cottage. Going along this small gravel road I could see cattle based in a barn and others on a field in the distance. The view as we drove along this road was lovely. Off to the right was the Sea, a perfect view from where we were. I could see hills on the far left of the beach as the Bay cliffs jutted out into the water. Houses nestled deep within the hills could be seen. It was as if they were hiding from the wind which aids the movement of the waves. A large house, from what I could see from this distance,  was based on the very top of the cliff. What a view it's inhabitants of that house must have!

Walkway leading to Ringstead Bay Beach.
Photography by me Caris. 
We carried on driving until we got to two gates, one to the left and one to the right. Instructions from the cottage landlord informed us that the massive farm-style gate to the left would be for us to go through. Driving up the drive, the cottage came into view. It was so pretty and looked perfect and unlike most cottages, it was relatively large. It had a long rectangular structure with a thatched roof based on top. Windows facing the drive were located at the front of the cottage with stepping stones leading to the front door. As I got the Dogs out of the Car, Skye and Quest raced off towards the left of the cottage where the Garden with a Sea view was. Gem struggled to pull free from my arms as I gently lifted this strong willed Border Collie puppy out of the travel cage. I placed her onto the ground and clipped the lead to her. I didn't want to lose her to the large fields behind the gate and open wood to the right of the cottage drive. She raced after the other two, trying to jump up and chase them around the garden, only to fall over her own feet when chasing after Skye. Quest had obviously decided the idea of becoming a puppy chew toy was not for him. The Garden was open and stretched from the drive to the end based on the left of the property. A hedge separated the field behind from the garden. As I approached the hedge, I gawped in amazement. The view of the Sea was beautiful. The cliffs were in viewing range and the waves looked calm, glistening in the sunshine.
Ringstead Souvenir named Stewart ha.
Purchased for £3.49
Photograph taken by me Caris. 

After removing everything from the Car and into the cottage, we set off to the Beach with the dogs to discover our surroundings. When we followed the road towards the beach, it lead us to a small building and car park. People were getting out of their car with all their beach things. One group of people appeared to be getting ready to go surfing. We set off towards the beach, walking past the building called Ringstead Bay Kiosk and I could see they served food and sold things to customers. A track road lead us to the beach entrance with a ramp leading towards the beach. When we got to the beach the sunshine was lovely. After playing with the dogs in the sea and basking in the sun, we set off back to the kiosk near the entrance. After having a meal at the kiosk of which I had cod, chips and peas (yummy) I decided to buy myself this Ringstead souvenir to remember my holiday.

Holidays are great especially when the sun is shining and everyone is in a good mood. I will put more about my next day and experience of my holiday soon but for now I will spare you from reading too much as I have ALOT to share :) Enjoy your day.

Yours truly,
xChatty Blondex

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

My trip to The Princess Towers | Day Out

My trip to The Princess Towers | Day Out 
The Princess Towers. Photograph taken by me
Caris -xChatty Blondex
Hello. Summer goes by so quickly, so I thought to myself, why not do something to really remember. Something I will enjoy. So I went on a long summer walk to one of my favourite places. I took my dogs and set off. I had decided to go to a place where I have many childhood memories; the Towers aka "Princess Towers" as I liked to call it when I was younger. Here's a run through of how enjoyable a summer walk can be, something I have enjoyed as part of my summer holiday.
Setting off with two young dogs can be a challenge. They pull, they leg it when they see another dog! But what I love about my two adult, yet funny dogs is that they enjoy long walks.
Quest and Skye are fairly young. Quest is just four and Skye is just one. They do training and all sorts of things with one of my parents, as they are their dogs. This training can make them very obedient, great for taking a picture of them :) Walking along a field with them on the lead can be, shall I say, a work out. Even working dogs will pull and you have to really hold your grip haha. Quest is a Border Collie and Skye is a Spaniel so for working breeds, you can imagine they can be very strong.
Golden Wheat Fields leading to the Stream.
Photography by me  Caris-xChatty Blondex
Once we had walked across the fields, where I had watched Skye leap over the golden wheat fields, holding a massive grin across her face, we had got to the track leading to the Towers. The view was stunning. All these years ago I came here with my old dogs who have sadly passed away now and who I hold in my heart still today. I had forgotten how amazing it was there. The trees were green and vibrant, as if they had been freshly painted. The Sky looked clear, as though it was a picture in a gallery, perfect. The sound of the Grass Hoppers was like a symphony, with nothing else interrupting their song, even when one decided to hop onto my leg. The air was fresh and clear and the wind blew in my face, sending my hair flying back behind me. All my memories from the past of this place came flooding back. Memories deep within my head started to emerge, causing a smile to spread across my face as I felt a moment of delight, comfort, happiness and amazement. "Wow this is beautiful" I muttered to myself as I gawped at the view. I knew for a fact that one thing was clear. I had missed this place.
Skye and Quest heading for the stream. Spaniel
and Collie showing their true
personalities: adventurous
and active.
Photograph by me Caris- xChatty Blondex
Turning the corner with me following, the dogs hurried off towards the hill. They knew that the stream was near. As they vanished around the corner, I walked down the sloping dirt path and turned my head in to the direction of a shining object within the distance. I could see a Farm over the hill in front of me. The metallic reflection of the iron roofing on a barn had caught my eye, as it shone in the sunshine looking brand new. By the time I had turned the corner which Skye and Quest had disappeared around, the image I saw made me smile. The two of them were over joyed. They were scurrying down the hill towards the stream and bridge at the bottom. To the best part of the walk and the final destination of this amazing route. Skye was bustling up and down the hill, turning around and heading towards me, tail wagging, ears flying and a grin present upon her face, before retreating back towards the stream. Quest by her side, his tail swaying left and right accompanied by a gentle walk. Typical laid back Quest. 
The Stream and the Bridge.
Photograph by me Caris- xChatty Blondex

Before I could stop her, Skye plunged herself into the stream. The stream had a clearing with rocks and was shallow, just enough for Quest the go into and fetch a stick before retrieving it back to me, a impatient playful look on his face. Approached by Skye soon after, I was clear that they wanted to play fetch. So we did and I could tell, they loved it here just like I do.
The Stream. I call this part
 the Lake.
Photograph by me
Caris- xChatty Blondex
I enjoyed this walk and I know that my dogs did too. I believe that summer walks are the best thing when its nice and hot and you're itching to get outside. Take a bike like I have, a friend or your dogs like I did, and enjoy the lovely summer breeze and heat.
Skye (left) and Quest (right) enjoying their walk
to The Towers.
Photograph by me Caris- xChatty Blondex
I told my friend, Lady Fascination, about this place and she wanted to come with me to see it. The images were stunning. So share a interesting walk with someone. Get out there and catch the sun on a summer walk to
remember. :) Go alone or with another, but enjoy the summer. Create memories and have a good time. Nature is beautiful and accompanied by the summer warmth, they make a perfect combination to enjoy.
Yours truly,
xChatty Blondex